twosday lovin

What I’m loving this week…

fall tv

  • Fall TV: One of the things I look forward to the most about Fall is the return of Fall TV. I don’t watch much television during the summer because, well, there’s nothing but terrible reality on. Which, don’t get me wrong-I LOVE me some Housewives, but can’t bring myself to watch, say…Bachelor Pad. I will watch a woman on TLC eat the inside of a couch but just can’t bring myself to watch Big Brother. Don’t even get me started on the atrocity that was True Detective Season 2. Sorry. Not hating on people who watch Summer TV, but I can’t get into it. Fall TV is a horse of a different (reddish orange pumpkin spiced) color. The Affair, The Walking Dead, The Leftovers, Modern Family, American Horror Story…GIMME!!! There aren’t many things I love more than coming home from a long day at work, throwing on sweatpants (literally the moment I walk through the door) and cozying up on the couch with my remote and a glass of wine and/or a box of Cheez-Its and/or cookies (I like my snacks. Don’t judge.) and getting engrossed in a post apocalyptic zombie wasteland. Or watching the antics of the Dunphy/Pritchett/Prichett-Tucker clan on Modern Family. Or being whisked away to Montauk to be a third party to a salacious Affair. You get the point. If you’re looking for a new show, IMDB is listing 15 binge worthy shows returning this fall
  • This Buzzfeed article: Yesterday marked the halfway mark to 33 for me (I can’t even put it into words how much typing that number pains me). I didn’t live in a dorm, but the early 2000s were my golden years. I had no real responsibilities, aside from a waitressing job that allowed me to sleep until noon and stay out as late as I wanted. I had a hot pink Motorola flip phone. I watched Garden State incessantly. I loved “Hey Ya” and Justin Timberlake’s  first solo album. The OC was my must watch TV show, along with Laguna Beach (Team LC!), Newlyweds (RIP Nick & Jess) and The Simple Life (RIP Paris & Nicole. And Tinkerbell). I had a Myspace account (kids today will never know the pain of having to rank their friends in order and the angst of trying to find *the* perfect background song to express themselves), and yes even rocked a trucker hat. I will always look back on this time as one of the best times of my life, combined with very questionable fashion choices (denim on denim anyone?). At least we’ll always have memories like this to look back on…
